Healthcare Information Solutions & Services Exclusively for Community & Public Health since 1983

RCM Solution

We reduce financial risk for health center management

Pro-active steps are our core emphasis.  Issue prevention, not just issue resolution, is our focus.  Informed actions address the health center’s emerging issues as they take shape.  The result: on-going financial stability for the health center.

Our timely and tightly focused reports alert health center managers to important issues.  These reports – equally comprehensive and understandable – are issue-centered.  As information needs evolve, so do the reports.  Reports lead to specific actions.

We maximize claim generation and cash collections

Central to our cash collections is effective denial and underpayment management.  Errors are detected and corrected before the health center submits claims.

We promptly resolve and resubmit denied and rejected claims.  Appeals of unpaid claims are initiated for primary, secondary and tertiary claims.  Persistent and aggressive follow-through is applied to all payers.

We deliver superior economic value

Superior value means we deliver maximum cash collection with tight cost controls.  Timely collection of receivables precludes external funding for the health center.Our effective communications with health center staff reduces their RCM involvement, freeing time for other priority activities.

We furnish a comprehensive portfolio of services

Our operations assessment evaluates the health center’s billing procedures and results.  Included is a reimbursement analysis and identification of unauthorized or incorrect account write-offs.

Mastery of the ever-changing insurance billing rules and regulations is our principal value.  We monitor all changes in payer policies and rules.  We make timely adjustments in operations and system configurations all payer changes.  We tightly manage worker’s compensation and other liability claims.

We are expert in leading billing systems

Billing systems are rarely implemented either properly or fully for a health center.  We intensely focus on fine-tuning the billing system’s configurations for the health center and for all special processing protocols, including HSN, Medicaid and Dental.